Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Shoe Makeover - Comic Book style

I was on Pinterest today.  And I saw these shoes. And these shoes.  And loved them. LOVED.

And thought to myself, "Self, I have tons of shoes I never wear.  And some old comic books that have been stashed on the closet For-ev-er.  I need to redecorate shoes!"

And so, I did.

Here is my new creation.  I love them.

That being said.......... If/when I do this again... or, if you decide to try this on your own,  I suggest using shoes that aren't made out of canvas.  Or, if you do use canvas shoes, stuff them with something first. Newspaper, a shoe form... something.  I'm going to need to do some shoe-stretching with these, because the mod podge shrunk them right down.  However, since they're adorable, I really don't care!  If I do another pair of these, I'm thinking Avengers-style... we shall see!

I saw painted shoes and glittered shoes too... keep your eyes peeled! This certainly wasn't the only pair of shoes in my closet that get no use anymore. 

What about you? I'm always looking for ideas for fun shoe makeovers.  If you have an awesome idea, please share!

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