Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Holy busy life, Batman. 

I'm also learning quickly the delightful stresses that come with planning a wedding, as well as working on 4 different crochet projects, and slowly coming to the realization that it's a possibility that only 2 of them will be finished by Christmas. Uh oh!

But we'll go back... First, Mr. IT's Birthday Presents...

A minion hat (inspired by Despicable Me.. we love that movie.)

and Mario themed magnets (made from perler beads)

I'm also making mirror ornaments for our Christmas tree this year.  I'm excited... Last year, we decided that since we would be at his family's house for Christmas, that we wouldn't get a tree.  So we had this...

Lights, strung up on the wall in the shape of a tree.  I loved it, and it fit our purpose wonderfully, but I'm a pretty big fan of Christmas.  And since we're staying here this year, there's no excuse NOT to have a tree! We're going to take it slow and decorate bit by bit, so we're finding some cheap-y ornaments at the thrift store (although, I hesitate to call them cheap... there were some REALLY cute ones there.) and lights, and when I saw the little double-sided mirror ornaments on Pinterest, I thought to myself, "I can make that! And it'll be cheap and easy!" 
So here those are...

I'm also working on Christmas presents.  I found this Doctor Who bag here..., and loved the concept.  I'm changing it quite a bit, both in design, color, and saying, but her chart of the TARDIS is perfect.  The one I'm making will also say "SEXY" instead of the bit about sonic-ing.  I cant think of a better gift for my BFF.  I'm making Mr. IT another hat, (Dallas Cowboys style this time), and a granny square afghan of a red power-up Mario mushroom, and making my parents an afghan that my Grandma started before she passed away.  That's the project I'm closest to finishing.

Between those, subbing, working at the law firm, and wedding planning, I feel like I have no time to breathe, but I'm working on it! There are at least hopeful plans to get it all done.

Until next time! And I'll take pictures of the projects as I work on them, so there will be occasional updates at the very least.  Happy beginning of the Holidays!