Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Granny Spiral

I recently went to the store, and FINALLY bought a big plastic tub to hold all my yarn in. Simply doing that, and not having yarn in like (literally.) 7 different places throughout the house, seemed to motivate me.  So I pulled out an old project that I started ages ago, put down, and stopped working on. It's one that I personally love. It's bright, a little funky, and really fun.  I'll post more pictures as it moves along, which (hopefully!) will be rather quickly.  The best thing about the granny spiral stitch is that with each round of 3 colors, another 3+ inches are added to the edges.  It builds upon itself quickly.  I think it might *pop* a little more if there were 2 dark colors and one light, instead of 2 light and one dark. but still. The visual effect is awesome.

And, as per usual... Evil Kitty is monitoring my progress. It would appear he's feeling neglected or something. 

More soon! I want to get this wrapped up and move on to some other fun ideas that are brewing in my head!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Olympic edition

...Now, It's been awhile. I've been busy. Watching the Olympics. And reading about the Olympics. And everything to do with anything about the Olympics.

That being said... people's attitudes about the Olympics this year make me sad.  Usain Bolt is undoubtedly the fastest man in the world, when it comes to sprinting. Should he be proud of himself? Absolutely.  Should other people try to bring him down, while he's enjoying his victories? Never.

The same goes for the US women's soccer team.  Since 1991, they have never come in lower than 3rd place in ANY worldwide soccer event, and have won 4 out of 5 gold medals in the last 5 summer Olympic games.  Yet, people criticize them for wearing shirts that say "Greatness has been found."  I personally feel that there is nothing offensive about these shirts at all, because truly, the US women's soccer team IS great.  Should they not celebrate their achievements? I certainly think that they should be happy about winning.  They were excited, nothing more or less.  They beat their biggest rival from the 2011 World Cup, they won (another) gold medal... They are great athletes.  Let them celebrate. If frustration must be taken out about the "insensitive, politically incorrect" shirts, take it out on Nike, the designer of the shirts and sponsor of the games. 

Any controversial result in a worldwide competition must be widely criticized, because certainly, people can't achieve these results on their own.  A women's swimmer certainly CANT be faster than any man, and a runner absolutely cannot be the fastest man on the world, without being on drugs. (This is sarcasm. I congratulate these athletes on EVERYTHING they've achieved.)

It is in our basic human nature to celebrate achievement.  Saying that beating world-record Olympic times in events cannot be achieved be anyone who is not taking some sort of performance enhancing drug is like saying that the valedictorian of a graduating high school class cannot possibly have gotten to the point that he/she has without cheating.  Hard work should be celebrated, at every level.