Monday, July 1, 2013

Cake Toppers!

Hooray! Since Mr. IT and I are only having a teensy tiny small cake for ourselves, we decided to do some tiny cake toppers to match. And, since we're both huge nerds... I present to you: Dalek Cake Toppers!

They were super easy to make, and then it just took a little paint, and a little added pizazz.  (I also got a TARDIS water bottle for my birthday yesterday. It holds more water than you'd think :) )

Geeky things are just so fun.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Planes, Trains, and AUTOMOBILES!

Here's my new car! It's pretty and I adore it.

I shall never again take having a vehicle for granted. Walking everywhere takes much longer, and leaves you with much less time in a day.  And so, I am grateful.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

OH MAN. (Life is Disney-fied!)

Have things been busy. We're down to a month before the wedding, the Bridal Shower came and went (wonderfully, btw. Thanks, Mom!) And we're getting down to the last few details. Haven't had time to post lately, due to my car breaking down (at the least opportune moment! Thanks Car!) And therefore having no free time, being chauffeured everywhere (and working longer hours because of it) by the loving Mr. IT.  However, today is my BIRTHDAY (Happy Birthday, Me!) and my dad and I are taking a mini-road trip to pick up a car that I bought! Hooray for self-reliance again!

In the meantime, this has been Mr. IT's and my big project.  We're huge Disney fans, and so in designing our card box for the wedding, we decided to just paint a mailbox. And then use said mailbox after the wedding. Here's what we came up with!

I love it. It'll look fantastic as a functional mailbox outside of our house.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013